[Free-RTC Discuss] FOSDEM 2020 RTC devroom and Coronavirus

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Wed Jan 29 20:04:45 GMT 2020

On 29/01/2020 16:43, Saúl Ibarra Corretgé wrote:

> I'd say we'll see how to cross that river when we get there. So far
> nobody has contacted us with canelling their talk for this reason.

WHO emergency meeting[1] at 13:30 tomorrow to tell us if there is a
river to cross

If there is any impact on the event, it will probably become clear in
the evening.

> We can of course use Jitsi Meet or any other solution, but we know how
> crowdded the WiFi can get.

That is why the other email[2] about this general type of problem starts
with a recommendation of pre-recorded videos from each speaker.



2. https://lists.freertc.org/pipermail/discuss/2020-January/000036.html

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