[Free-RTC Discuss] Free software speaker phone

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé saghul at gmail.com
Mon Mar 11 18:34:43 GMT 2019

This is just a USB sound card. Unless you manufacture your own hardware you’ll never be able to have a fully FLOSS system.

Now, there are software options of course in the form of Acoustic Echo Cancelers. speex has one but the more advanced one comes from libWebRTC. You’d need to make sure that the SIP UA you use uses a good one. At this point, however, you’ll probably be using a sound card, so I don’t see why you wouldn’t want a HW DSP based solution.



> On 11 Mar 2019, at 17:46, Kralj Karlo <karlo at klarinet.osamsb.hr> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 11, 2019, at 15:29, Saúl Ibarra Corretgé wrote:
>> I'd recommend to use a spaker / mic combo which would already do it in
>> hardware. Something like this:
>> https://www.amazon.com/Phoenix-Audio-DUET-MT202-PCO-Speakerphone/dp/B000BL28M6
> This is precisely the part that I wanted free software for. Even if no free software exists, could someone explain how these work?

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